Profile PictureRob Kaminski

Startup Networking OS: Build a Founders Network

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Your network will become one of the most valuable things you have when building your company.

Who is this for?

  • Early-stage founders
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Product Leaders (especially ones focused in Strategy & Product Marketing)

Guaranteed Outcomes

  • Grow your LinkedIn Network
  • Regularly have 5 new meetings a week with leaders & founders
  • Uncovering market insights

Likely Outcomes

  • Landing new customers
  • Finding future co-founders and employees
  • Uncovering new business ideas
  • Building an audience - being established as a thought leader

The Hard Truth

“Who you know” is more powerful than “what you know”

Why does it work this way?


At the end of the day, startups (and business in general) is about relationships. All relationships require trust to build shared value and drive action.

  • Can you convince a co-founder of your vision without trust?
  • Can you convince a prospect to try your product without trust?
  • Can you convince an employee to follow you without trust?
  • Can you convince an investor to give you money without trust?

👉 This operating system is focused on solving for trust by addressing two key questions:

  • How do you get access to important people?
  • How do you begin the process of building trust?

The Strategy

Give value upfront.

It sounds simple, and it is.

But more importantly, it works.

Where most people get stuck is they don’t have a good way of creating and delivering something valuable.

We address this by showing you how to build market research that will be interesting to startups.

Build a founders network to leverage for VC introductions.

Why this strategy?

This strategy not only builds industry momentum of “who you know” in your space, but also creates “implied trust” simply by interacting with other successful founders.

From a tactical standpoint, this strategy works because founders are easier to access.

The Secret Sauce

Creating a value asset is only half of the strategy - This will get you meetings. But the thing that starts delivering compounding value is…

💥 The Thought-Leader Snowball Effect **💥

What is the thought-leader snowball effect?

It’s what happens when you start to build up a trail of meetings with leaders. As you share your research, you begin to sharpen your perspective on the market - your research gets better and your insights get better. And you get to say that you have had these strategic conversation with “X Founder” of “Y Startup”.

Your leverage comes from standing on the shoulders of thought leaders.

Let me say that again in case you missed it.

Your leverage comes from standing on the shoulders of thought leaders.

You will gain added credibility simply by having numerous conversations with these leaders.

A Note on this course

🏎️ It is built for SPEED.

I take a high value, low budget approach. If you expect beautiful slides, a polished presentation, and a “bells and whistles” curriculum - You are in the wrong place.

With all the pleasantries out of the way → LET’S GO!

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Startup Networking OS: Build a Founders Network

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